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Estimated people in need of humanitarian aid this year​
Of international humanitarian aid never arrives in distressed communities due to misappropriation
Of international aid that goes directly to local organisations

Our Mission

Danaides’s core mission is creating capacity and providing support for civil society actors in challenging environments. 

We help contribute to recovery and resilience-building efforts at a community level. We believe that demand-driven, locally governed civil initiatives provide a dynamic and systemic ‘bottom-up’ response to disruption caused by conflict and crisis.

Danaides is a french NGO co-founded in 2017 by Dr. Félix Blanc and Stephanie Lamy. In 2018 Dr. Richard Brooks joined us as chief of technology.

The technologies, training and consultancy delivered by Danaides embody their combined expertise of harnassing the power of demand-driven civil society initiatives in challenging environments

In 2019, our P2PR2P technology was among the 114 projects selected from around the world to be showcased during the second edition of the Paris Peace Forum.

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Our training programs in information management include modules on cybersecurity, counter-disinformation, and open-source intelligence analysis. We also provide training on civic engagement, advocacy, and gender policies.


Danaides’ extensive experience in relationship-brokering allows us to optimise humanitarian programming at the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages.

Our teams of researchers source user-generated information gathered through OSINT work or our P2PR2P tool to deliver data-driven situation reports on fluid environments in order to inform stakeholders in their decision making, deconfliction, and peace-building endeavours.


P2PR2P is a frugal and versatile encrypted information management system, which allows its mobile app users to communicate with local data hubs, enabling a verifiable two-way transmission of “asks” and “offers” via small trusted networks. P2PR2P is a safe and lightweight crypto-technology which uses an indelible secure audit trail and a better-than-blockchain DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) developed by Chief of Technology, Dr. Richard Brooks, and his team at Clemson University during their work on securing pharmaceutical trial data and distributed access control.

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Our Partners

Clemson University’s technology department was ranked No. 6 among academic institutions in the US and No. 60 worldwide on the list of TOP 500 Supercomputing Sites. A team 5 technologists (PhD researchers and post-doctorates) has now developed a working mock-up of the P2PR2P tool to be certified by CURE lab for security compliance scheduled for August 2019.

Sciences Po Toulouse is one of the nine Institutes of Political Studies of France. It is a higher education and research establishment, autonomous within one of the oldest universities in Europe: The University of Toulouse, founded in 1229. Danaï has struck a partnership with Science Po Toulouse in order to engage Master II level students in International Relations with the P2PR2P tool, as of September 2019.

Internet Without Borders is a French association, under the 1901 law, and an international network of non-governmental organizations whose objective is to promote the free flow of information and knowledge and to defend digital rights and freedoms.

Euro-ISME is the European chapter of the International Society for Military Ethics brings together scientists, academics and military practitioners engaged in research as well as in education and training in the field of professional military ethics.

35 K+ sign our petition: Europeans, say NO to a common future between us and Assad’s murderous regime.

Join us! Over 35 000 Europeans have signed our petition in French and English demanding that European leaders craft a reconstruction deal for Syria that is respectful of human rights.


Toulouse, le 8 avril, 2020 — L’ONG Toulousaine, Danaï salue la création du mouvement « ARCH » lancé par un groupe d’étudiants syriens, réfugiés en Jordanie et s’associe à elles et eux pour venir en appuie de leur campagne d’organisation et distribution d’ordinateurs à destination des populations défavorisées. La crise actuelle nous démontre à quel […]

Hacking the Syria Peace Process, a European imperative

Hacking the Syria Peace Process, a European imperative Faced with increasing Russian aggression and American nationalism, the European Union needs to forge a strategy which fathoms in the parameters of hybrid warfare in the civil society landscape – not by engaging in a similarly subversive offensive which would only weaponise civil society organisations even further, […]

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